Please let us know you are Interested & Sign up now!
It is strongly recommended that you review and study the question pool before the one-day study class & test session.
(This is why you get the study materials early!)
We will do everything we can to help you be prepared to pass the afternoon license exam (following our morning of review & study) including giving you memory tricks, reviewing and attempting to explain any questions in the question pool that you do not fully understand. However we cannot take the test for you. This one day class should not be the first time you see the questions! Please use the free online resources we suggest & materials we provide!
The cost has been set as low as we can, while still allowing for all the materials included.
However some special arrangements can be made.
For example: If you choose not to get one of the handheld radios we order and program for you, that cost will be subtracted accordingly.
You are welcome to contact us to discuss arrangements.