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Mason City, IA Repeater = Frequency 442.275+   Tone = 100.00 (Input = 447.275)

*Repeater Links are connected Full Time to the Mason city Repeater

Sheffield, IA link* = Online! but Frequency likely to change soon… – We are waiting on  a response regarding  Frequency Coordination = 147.770- Tone = 100.00 (Input 147.170)

Osage, IA Link* = Coming SOON!  Planning and setup in progress by our ARES team now. Check back for updates!

Lake Mills, IA link* =  Online! but currently closed & in Testing Mode… – working on final details and location now. Check back for updates!

Charles City, IA area link = Future site – Searching for location.  Input on any tall buildings that may be willing to discuss housing our repeater are welcome.

Britt, IA area link = Future site – Searching for location.  Input on any tall buildings that may be willing to discuss housing our repeater are welcome.

OR try the Calling Frequencies 146.520 or 446.000

You can also Try our Cerro Gordo County ARES Simplex Frequency – 147.570

Club Amateur Radio Repeaters are OPEN for all to use, But we Really Encourage you to become a Northland Amateur Communications Group Member! This helps offset the Cost of Installing, and Maintaining Amateur Radio Repeaters in the area.

Click here for Membership Rates, and Click here for ways to contact us.

Long term Projects:

We are Building ARES of North IA‘s ” Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network

North Iowa Linked Repeater System.

future repeaters We plan to add NEW repeaters around our “9 County area”! These repeaters will then be Full Time Linked together, meaning you could talk on a 2M or 70cm radio from just east of New Hampton, IA all the way west to around Algona, IA or south of Iowa Falls, IA all the way north to Albert Lea, MN. Day to Day, this would allow Club Members all over North Central Iowa to further enjoy this hobby!  During an Emergency, our North Iowa CERT team or ARES of North Iowa team could “deploy” anywhere in the 9 county area and keep radio contact with our emergency operations center! Future Repeater sites include: In or Around Lake Mills, IA Around Osage, IA In or Around Charles City, IA Around Hampton, IA Around Britt, IA Plus maybe other locations – based on club membership / needs of those interacting with / supporting  Northland Amateur Communications Group All Linking to each other full time.

NACG Radio Communications Trailer https://mogreatdane.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1-VSAT-Communications-Trailer-9.jpg


We are planning to Build a mobile communications trailer that will belong to the club. Inside we plan to include Amateur Radios, GMRS Radios, and CB (Citizens Band) Radios.

There will be Equipment to help support our Amateur Radio Emergency Service of North Iowa Team (ARES of NI). Extra Handheld Radios – for use at Public Service Event’s or Emergency operations. Charging setups for handheld radios. APRS devices, such as a computer and monitor screen to display APRS Maps and Messages, and APRS Tracking devices. Weather Monitoring equipment. Emergency  equipment, such as Traffic cones, LED Traffic beacons, Search and Rescue equipment, and more!

Construction has not begun on this trailer, but we are interested in ideas or “leads” on a used trailer to begin this project with. One idea we are interested in, is a used camper trailer.  this would give us a bathroom and a nice shell, other items in the trailer would be removed and the interior would get a complete remodel. (Pictures for reference only. this is not our trailer or final design)

NACG Tower / Repeater Trailer https://www.oksolar.com/images-store/000777700-l.jpg

No electricity,or telephones available at the site? Limited or no coverage from an existing radio repeater? NO PROBLEM when you have a Tower trailer!

In an Emergency, or during a Community event that requires Communications Support, this Trailer could be quickly transported to wherever we need it.

This Trailer would include a telescoping Tower, allowing easy Transportation. Upon arrival  at “the location”, the tower can be raised and turned on quickly. This trailer would also have a full repeater system, APRS Capability’s, Battery Backup, Weather Monitoring equipment and other Emergency or Communications Event gear.

Construction has not begun on this trailer, but we are interested in ideas or “leads” on a used trailer. One idea we are interested in, is Starting with a Boat trailer or Flatbed trailer.  this would give us a nice sturdy frame to work from. (Pictures for reference only. this is not our trailer or final design)