Our club covers many radio modes, including Amateur Radio, CB Radio, GMRS Radio, and more!
Our group promotes the legal and proper use of radio. We actively look for opportunities to educate people about each of these radio modes and the benefits they can bring.

The most active communications club in North Iowa.
Our radio club operates within a nine-county area located in North Central Iowa. We cover Cerro Gordo County and all eight of its bordering counties, including Butler, Floyd, Franklin, Hancock, Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth, and Wright.
Want to help us out?
As volunteer radio hobbyists, we currently serve you and this area by assisting storm spotters and chasers, providing health and safety communications for public events, offering backup communications when other options fail, and promoting the legal and proper use of all radio modes.

“When everything else fails, Amateur Radio often times is our last line of defense…When you need amateur radio, you really need them.”
— The Honorable W. Craig Fugate
Administrator, US Department of Homeland Security, FEMA