Click here for a Printable Version of NACG Membership Dues
$15.00 = Yearly Member Dues
Households With Multiple Club Members, Receive Discounted Rates:
All “Family Members” Must have a Matching Primary Mailing Address and must live at that Address
$20.00 = Two(2) Club Members – “Family Duo”
$24.00 = Three(3) Club Members – “Family Trio”
$27.00 = Four or more(4+) Club Members – “Family of Hams”
“Youth” Members Receive Discounted Rates: (When Family Discount does not apply)
$04.00 = Thirteen years old & Below (-13)
$07.00 = Fourteen & Fifteen Years of Age (14-15)
$10.00 = Sixteen & Seventeen Years of Age (16-17)
$13.00 = Eighteen Years of Age (18)
On the Club Members 19th birthday, the member is no longer eligible for “youth” rates, and will be charged the Regular Membership Fee. Eligibility can still be met for a “Family discount” when it applies.
“Late” Membership Discounted Rates can be applied for new members who join NACG later in the year.
$10.00 = After May 1st Membership for remaining Two Thirds(2/3) of year
$05.00 = After September 1st Membership for remaining One Third(1/3) of year
We also currently offer a LIFETIME membership for those over the age of 65 yrs old, at the cost of 10 years worth of membership.
If you are under the age of 65, you can get FIVE YEARS FREE* by paying the price of 10 years worth of membership. (15 years total)
*10 years at the regular yearly rate, family and/or youth discounts do not apply.
Other Discounts or Exemptions can be considered on a Case By Case need.
Examples include: “Service” to the Club, Being Responsible for Club Donations/fundraising, Personal Financial Issues, ext.
Application will be approved by the Club with a vote of Greater than 50%.
If it is a “sensitive issue” it may also be approved by a 75% Yes vote of club officers privately.
Please fill out the form and submit it in time for the following Club Meeting.
(OR submit it privately to a Club Officer if it is a “sensitive Issue”.)
See “Application for Personal Change of “Membership Dues Price” Form
These dues help pay for:
Club activities, Maintenance, Repair, and/or Purchase of new Equipment.
Examples include but are not limited to:
A Club Picnic, Field day, Hamfest/Swap Meet, Repeaters, Repeater Site Maintenance / Fees, Linking Systems, Digipeaters, I-gates, Radio Books for the “club library”, Club Radios/Stations, Website Fees & Maintenance, and Support of NACG’s “sister organizations”= ARES of North Iowa, and North Iowa Skywarn.
Other items may be added as needed, they will be discussed at monthly club meetings as they come up, be sure to try and attend these meetings regularly.
As a Club Member, you have a vote in what we do. This Group operates with the interest of everyone in mind. We look forward to hearing your next big idea!